Business strategy
10.01.2022TANIA ELLIS - The Social Business Company
New online certificate programme for sustainable business change management
After having certified more than 100 professionals in Scandinavia, we are now launching an international online version of our recognized Sustainable Business Change Manager certificate programme. The first cohort starts January 28th.
Modernizing the Social Contract in 2021: Five Developments for Business to Consider
In late 2019, BSR launched its call for business to help redefine the social contract. As we urged firms to take ambitious steps to build a modern and stable pact between individuals and institutions, we had no idea what the next 21 months would bring.
ESG-nøgletal i PensionDanmarks årsregnskab
PensionDanmark har valgt at offentliggøre en ESG hoved- og nøgletalsoversigt (Environment, Social and Governance) efter den vejledning, som FSR – danske revisorer, Nasdaq og Finansforeningen lancerede i juni 2019. For at sikre en høj troværdighed omkring ESG-nøgletallene er disse tillige blevet omfattet af revisionspåtegningen, hvilket er nyt i dansk sammenhæng.
25.10.2019Sustainable Brand Index
3 Focus Areas According to Sustainability Experts
In 2019, we decided to conduct a research among a panel of experts (across The Nordics & The Netherlands) on what they predict to be the most important focus areas within sustainability in the upcoming years (Sustainable Brand Index™, 2019).
UN Day 2018: The Responsibility of Multinational Companies
On this day, 73 years ago, the United Nations officially came into being and a new epoch of international cooperation was entered. There is, however, still a long way to go. In this respect, multinational companies are crucial actors.
30.08.2018Circular by Innovation Lab
Hvor bæredygtige er de danske virksomheder? 5 korte spørgsmål til dig!
Vi tror på, at det er forandringerne, som skaber nye muligheder for de omstillingsparate virksomheder. Men hvor langt er virksomhederne i den bæredygtige omstilling? Du kan hjælpe os og svare på de 5 korte spørgsmål nedenfor.
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