Post-corona sustainability
Axcelfuture vil afdække erhvervsperspektivet i den grønne omstilling
Axcelfuture vil med 500.000 kr. i støtte fra Nordea-fonden afdække, hvordan danske virksomheder kan få gavn af regeringens målsætning om at reducere CO2-udledningen med 70 procent frem mod 2030. Resultaterne forventes klar i november 2020.
CSR Agendaen #8 – webinar on post-corona sustainability
On the 22nd of April, hosted our first ever webinar, discussing how to keep sustainability on the company agenda after the corona crisis has lifted. In this edition of our podcast you can relive the entire session with input from companies such as Maersk, Chr. Hansen and Novozymes.
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