Sustainable Brand Index
25.10.2019Sustainable Brand Index
3 Focus Areas According to Sustainability Experts
In 2019, we decided to conduct a research among a panel of experts (across The Nordics & The Netherlands) on what they predict to be the most important focus areas within sustainability in the upcoming years (Sustainable Brand Index™, 2019).
09.04.2019Sustainable Brand Index
En selvsikker attitude og økologi gør Coop til det bedste varemærke inden for bæredygtighed
Coop er for andet år i træk mest bæredygtig i Danmark. Det viser 2019-udgaven af Europas og Danmarks største varemærkeundersøgelse om bæredygtighed, Sustainable Brand Index. Coop vinder med et godt forspring foran konkurrenterne Rema 1000, mejeriet Thise
20.08.2018Sustainable Brand Index
It's A Climate Issue
Climate is widely debated on all levels of society today. Now that the summer of 2018 is shaping up to be one for the record books, climate change is growing into a more tangible issue for everyone. The question that arises is how the average citizen and
19.06.2018Sustainable Brand Index
How A Chocolate Brand Is Leading The Way
Discover the story behind the chocolate brand that is leading the way. Tony's Chocolonely was announced as the winner of Sustainable Brand Index in The Netherlands this year! We spoke to their Chief Evangelist, Ynzo van Zanten about sustainability.
11.06.2018Sustainable Brand Index
Swedes Have Doubts About Shared Ownership
With the emergence of a circular economy, new business models and modes of consumption are arising. However, not all new forms of consumption are as equally accepted by the Swedes. Co-owning is showing one of the largest challenges. Why is that?
17.05.2018Scandic Hotels
Øget kommunikationsfokus skal løfte opfattelsen af Scandics bæredygtighedsarbejde
I det nylig publicerede Sustainable Brand Index indtager Scandic en plads som nummer 57 i Danmark. ”Ambitionen er meget højere”, lyder det fra hotelkæden, der vil sætte yderligere fokus på at kommunikere om sit bæredygtighedsarbejde.
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